Zakti Arabian Attraction Oil

 Zakti Consultancy Proudly introduces our

Latest Arabic Attraction Oil
Our Arabic Attraction Oil is one of our greatest love, passion and seduction oils that we offer. We named it due to it's potent attraction and desire ingredients added into it when it was formulated by Master Sribala.
It can be used For Seduction, Passion, Lust, Romance & Infatuation.
Try it you will never regret. It does not only draw love, but also uplifts your energy and confidence towards your intention.
While applying the Arabic Attraction Oil, stay focused and think of your desired outcome that you wish for. Apply on both eyebrows, behind the ears and on both your wrists.
Not to be opened or used inside the toilet at all times.
Due to the heavy positive energy pumped into the Attraction oil, it can be used in any place except inside the toilet.
For a Free Consultation contact us at
Hotline:(+65) 6650 8229/8163 5515
We are located at
Block 28 Hoy Fatt Road #01-34 S151028 (opposite CPIB building)
Nearest mrt Redhill station
Open from Mon-Sun 12pm-8.30pm daily


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