How to know if you are affected by Black Magic?

Black magic & Evil spells is the use of negative energies and supernatural powers by some jealous people to harm and destroy other's life and future. Ghosts & spirits are unsettled souls who have not reached their correct destination and spread ill-luck & bad vibes with their presence. All these evil influences can destroy a person's happiness, luck & future prospects - he will not even get what he is destined for.

Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by jealous and malicious human beings of Kalyuga, whose main objective is to harm or deprive others from something, or influence them to do something wrong or negative. It is the evil side of the celestial cycle or negative energies.

Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at a far away place - the effect of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other's happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one's vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic.
Its started when someone is jealous, frustrated, greedy, selfish, negative or full of revenge in his life with his/her enemy or someone who they hate most. People like this wanted to hurt their enemy or their hate ones in an easy manner and a easy way out so they will use Black Magic.

They will either seek "black" bomoh, dukuns etc or learn with someone professional in Evil spells in Singapore or some other countries. This types of people have the abilities to communicate with Jins and Demons and will seek for their help for giving extra abilities to make someone suffer. The person who intend to use this Evil spells they have a little believe in god and press their thoughts as the divine truth.

Now let's look into various symptoms occurred due to Black Magic;

Alarming symptoms for Men & Women
• Dreaming of Dirty Places, Shit, Toilet, Urine, Urinating
• Dreaming of Snakes, Spiders, Insects
• Dreaming of Dead relatives, Dead bodies, Graveyards
• People trying to kill you in your dreams
• Your dreams are blocked
• You do not dream at all or you do not remember your dreams in the morning
• Blocked income
• Obsession towards sex
• Excessive alcohol consumption, drug usage or chain smoking
• Twitching of Body parts
• Heaviness of Chest and Body
• Suicidal thoughts
• Multiple physical ailments
• Medical science is unable to detect and diagnose, Medicines do not work
• Waking up with shortness of breath and in fear
• Cannot go to sleep, the moment you go to sleep you wake up instantly in fear.
• You get a jerk in the leg the moment you fall into sleep
• As if someone kicked your leg.
• Fogged Mind
• Unable to pray or meditate
• You hear voices or see shadows
• Paranormal activity where you live
• Depression

Alarming Symptoms Exclusive to Women

• You see a smoke, black dots, or geometrical lines in front of your eyes
• Your periods are irregular, blocked , painful , profuse, scanty and the blood is almost black in color
• Occasional spotting
• You get blue or red marks on your body, specially around thighs for no reason
• You are raped in your dreams or get sexual dreams where is orgasm is real
• Heaviness of chest and body around Full and Dark Moon Nights.
• Fogged Mind
• Protuding belly as if you are pregnant
• Feelings of insects crawling on your body
• Strange noises in ears
• Hearing human voices
• Suicidal thoughts
• Extreme hunger or no desire to have food
• Rapid weight loss or excessive weight gain
• Change in Complexion; becoming darker day by day
• Hyper-pigmentation
• Body feels heavy and tight around shoulders
• Senescence-(Rapid ageing)
• You face is becoming uglier and uglier day by day

There are many symptoms related to black magic or spells and each symptom indicates the kind of black magic technique being used. If any of the above symptoms match your situation, your life is at serious risk and you should take immediate action to resolve these issues. You can now consult with Master Sribala on the various treatments and session available to remove the black magic and spell.

Call (+65) 6650-8229 now, before it is to late!


  1. Hi, my name is rohima begum from india(assam). i suffering lots of problem due to black magic.. 01 year i loss i dont get any job proposal.. My carrier is end i feel.I lost my job. i m crying all day and night. plz help me.. my body & face dark day by day. plz help me

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