Navrathri Flower bath 7th till 15th Oct 2021

Zakti Navarathri Flower Bath 2021
7th till 15th Oct 2021
Inviting all devotees of Goddess Durga Devi to take the flower bath and get blessed.
May the brightness of Navarathri
Fill your days with cheer
May all your dreams come true
During Navaratri and all through the year.
May the divine wishes of Goddesses
Give you strength and smiles
May you live with peace and joy
A successful mile after mile.
May the festival of lights be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As Navratri is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love.
May This Navaratri be as bright as ever. May it bring joy, health and wealth to you. May the festival of lights brighten up lives of your near and dear ones.
Take this opportunity to cleanse and clear all the negative and evil effects on you.
Zakti Consultancy – Blk 28 Hoy Fatt Road #01-34 Singapore 151028
Hotline : +65 66508229
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