Black magic & Evil spells is the use of negative energies and supernatural powers by some jealous people to harm and destroy other's life and future. Ghosts & spirits are unsettled souls who have not reached their correct destination and spread ill-luck & bad vibes with their presence. All these evil influences can destroy a person's happiness, luck & future prospects - he will not even get what he is destined for. Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by jealous and malicious human beings of Kalyuga, whose main objective is to harm or deprive others from something, or influence them to do something wrong or negative. It is the evil side of the celestial cycle or negative energies. Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at a far away place - the effect of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity an...
What is Susuk (Charm Implants)? Susuk is something (for example diamond, precious stone or gold in the form of very small / fine) which has been through the process of high level ritual, then magically inserted into the body (near the eye brows, mouth, nose, breasts, hips and other parts of the body), with the intention of those parts of the body to attracting opposite sex, enhancing sex appeal, generating inner beauty and aura and most of all increasing the charm of the wearer. Most commonly, men are usually used for charisma, supernatural powers and martial arts and whereas women who want to look beautiful, attractive and sexually appealing would do the implants too and it is very popular despite the installation done in secret. The common susuk items used are gold needles and diamond particles. For example, susuk berlian (diamond implants) are supposed to provide a significant boost to one’s business or career; susuk emas (gold implants) will enhance one’s physical attr...
Master Sribala’s latest Attraction Oil formulated for attraction towards the opposite gender and even for attraction towards the same gender! To be applied on eyebrows,behind ears and on the wrist. Think of your desired outcome when applying the oil,helps to ensure that the day is peaceful,fruitful and aligns with your aspirations. Creates the sensual mood and brings in more intimacy between couples. Helps in creating bond and harmony in relationship. Makes your partner get more clingy towards you! Zakti Consultancy – Blk 28 Hoy Fatt Road #01-34 Singapore 151028 Hotline : +65 66508229 WhatsApp : +65 81635515 Email : Facebook: Web: Twitter: Youtube URL : Lazada: We are located at Block 28 Hoy Fatt Road #01-34 S151028 (opposite CPIB building) Nearest mrt Redhill station Ope...
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