Zakti Susuk Implant

Zakti Consultancy Susuk Implants
Susuk (very tiny diamond and 100% gold needle) is something has been through the process of high level of rituals then inserted into the body or face,with the intention to attract the opposite gender,generate inner beauty and Aura and most of all increasing the charisma of the wearer.
Purpose Of Susuk Implants
*People will be more loving & caring towards you
*Protects you from any spiritual attacks
*Permanent Implant for Attraction
*Activates luck & brings in prosperity
*Improves relationships at home and work
*Restores youth & enhances your beauty and makes glow
Zakti Consultancy – Blk 28 Hoy Fatt #01-34 Singapore 151028
Hotline : +65 66508229
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