Susuk and Diamond Implants

Susuk & Diamond Implants What is a susuk? Susuk is a very tiny needle or diamond that has gone though very high level of rituals. Susuk is famously known as the most powerful and permanent charm implant. In the past, Susuk is mainly used by women with the intentions to attain their Beauty through old age. However at Zakti Consultancy Master Sribala has enhanced the use of Susuk not only to regain youth and beauty but also according to one's needs. There is no gender restrictions to the use of Susuk. There is also no long list of ''Pantangs''(Restriction)! You will definately be in safe hands while in care of Master Sribala, having had many many years of experience in the field of Spritual Healing. On that note, feel free to call us for any Enquiries, we are readily available to tender to your needs.