Vellimalar Article 1 - What is a Flower Bath?

Flower Bath ( Mandi Bunga ) is famously known by the Asians. In Singapore, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and even in China; people practices them as a ritual for beauty, good fortune, dispel bad luck and to purify the soul. In Singapore, the "Healers" provide the most comprehensive range of Flower Bath, which is done very professionally and ethically for each individual. Flower Bath can be taken by EVERYONE including the newborns to elderly and even those who are spiritually affected, having sleepless nights, suffering from depression, body pain or discomfort and even if you feel something suddenly gone wrong with your daily lifestyle. The flower bath is one of the options to restore the good strong Aura around you. Why is it necessary to restore Aura energy? Due to materialistic attitude, negative visions and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, stress, depression and other similar emotions. Such situation your Aura seems to b...